Kenya helps charities

Kenya helps charities reach remote villages

Kenya helps charities reach remote villages by providing them with resources and manpower. The charity, called Remote Village Aid, is a UK-based charity that provides medical care, education, and clean water to remote villages in Kenya. The charity has been working in Kenya for the past 10 years and has helped many villages get access to basic services.

Kenya is a country with a lot of potentials. It is a beautiful country with a rich culture and a lot of natural resources. However, the country faces many challenges. poverty, disease, and political instability are just some of the problems that Kenya faces.

Kenya helps organizations:

The helps African charity works with local organizations to help improve their lives in Kenya. This includes providing transportation for medical supplies and staff members who work there on a regular basis. They also help provide education for those living in these areas so they can have opportunities outside of living in poverty or going hungry every day.

Kenya helps with transportation:

The charity provides transportation for its volunteers so they can get to their destinations safely without having to worry about getting lost or being caught in dangerous situations while travelling through rural areas of Kenya.

Helps with medical supplies:

The charity uses volunteers from all over the world who travel to Kenya to help with medical supplies and labour work on projects like building schools and clinics or installing water pumps in villages that have no access to clean water. Volunteers can stay anywhere from one week up to three months depending on what they’re doing while there.

Kenya helps charities

access to basic services:

The charity helps to provide access to basic services like clean water, education and medical care in remote areas where there are no hospitals or schools nearby. It also helps by providing resources such as medicine and equipment for remote clinics and schools. The volunteers also teach children how to read and write in their own languages so they can learn from their own books instead of having to learn from books written in English only.

Help with a lot of potential:

Kenya is a country with a lot of potentials. It is a beautiful country with a rich culture and a lot of natural resources. However, the country faces many challenges. poverty, disease, and political instability are just some of the problems that Kenya faces.


Kenya helps the charities Remote Village Aid a UK-based charity that provides medical care, education, and clean water to remote villages in Kenya. The charity has been working in Kenya for the past 10 years and has helped many villages get access to basic services.

Related Resources: Help Children in Kenya , Best Charity in Kenya