best charcoal in Australia

Choosing the Best Charcoal in Australia for Mouthwatering BBQ

When it comes to grilling, the choice of charcoal can make all the difference in achieving that mouthwatering, smoky flavour everyone craves in a BBQ. Selecting the best charcoal in Australia is not just about getting the grill lit; it’s about enhancing the flavour, managing the cooking temperature, and ensuring your food is cooked perfectly. With various types of charcoal available in the market, it can be quite challenging to pick the right one.

Different Types of Charcoal

Before diving into which charcoal to choose, it’s essential to understand the types available and how they can impact your barbecue.

Lump Charcoal

Lump charcoal, made from hardwood, is a favourite among BBQ purists. It lights faster, burns hotter, and leaves very little ash. The irregular shapes might make it somewhat challenging to gauge cooking times, but its ability to impart a subtle, smoky flavour to the food makes it a top choice for many.


Briquettes are made from compressed charcoal dust and binders. They offer a more uniform shape and size, which helps in managing consistent cooking temperatures. Briquettes are ideal for slow cooking and smoking, providing a longer, steadier heat source. However, it’s vital to choose briquettes made with natural binders to avoid any chemical taste in your food.

Factors to Consider

When choosing the best BBQ charcoal in Australia, consider the following factors:

Flavor Profile

The type of charcoal significantly influences the flavour profile of your cooked food. Lump charcoal is known for imparting a distinct, rich smoky flavour, preferred for grilling meats. Consider what you are cooking and the flavour you wish to achieve when selecting your charcoal.

Cooking Time

Different charcoals provide different burn times. Lump charcoal burns hot and fast, ideal for steaks and burgers that require a high-heat sear. For longer, slower cooks, such as ribs or brisket, briquettes are the better option due to their consistent burn rate.

Environmental Impact

Sustainability is an important factor for many. Look for charcoals made from responsibly sourced hardwoods or those certified by environmental organizations. These options ensure you are making a more environmentally friendly choice without compromising on flavour.


Selecting the best charcoal in Australia is a crucial step in achieving the perfect BBQ experience. Whether you prefer the quick and hot burn of charcoal or the consistency and longevity of briquettes, the key is to match the charcoal to your cooking needs and flavour desires. A little knowledge and the right charcoal can elevate your BBQ from good to mouthwatering.