best charity in Kenya

How to Find the Best Charity in Kenya

Kenya, a beautiful country located in East Africa, is known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. However, it also faces significant challenges such as poverty, food insecurity, and lack of access to quality education and healthcare. These issues have led to the emergence of various charitable organizations that aim to improve the lives of Kenyans. With so many options, how do you find the best charity in Kenya to support? In this article, we will outline some crucial factors to consider when searching for the perfect organization to contribute to.

  • Research and Background Check

The first step in finding the best charity in Kenya is conducting thorough research. This includes checking the background, credibility, and reputation of the organization. A good starting point is to visit their website and social media pages to learn more about their mission, vision, and values. Look for information on their past and current projects, as well as testimonials from beneficiaries and partners.

  • Impact and Sustainability

Another critical factor to consider when searching for the best charity is the impact and sustainability of its programs. It’s essential to support organizations that implement projects with long-term benefits rather than temporary solutions. A sustainable charity focuses on empowering communities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to improve their lives independently.

  • Local Presence and Community Involvement

A strong local presence and community involvement are vital in ensuring the success and effectiveness of charitable programs. Charity in Kenya should have a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by the communities they serve, as well as strong relationships with local stakeholders.

Organizations that work closely with community members can identify the most pressing needs and tailor their programs accordingly.

best charity in Kenya

  • Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are essential characteristics of any reputable charity. The charity should be open and honest about its operations, finances, and impact. They should provide detailed reports on how donations are used and the outcomes of their programs.

  • Unique Programs and Initiatives

Finally, consider the uniqueness and innovation of the charity’s programs and initiatives. An example of such an initiative is a street feeding program in Kenya, which addresses the immediate needs of vulnerable populations while also working towards long-term solutions. These types of programs demonstrate the organization’s commitment to addressing complex issues and finding innovative ways to create lasting change.


Finding the best charity in Kenya requires careful research, consideration of the organization’s impact and sustainability, local presence, transparency, and unique programs. By taking the time to evaluate these factors, you can ensure that your donation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most.