Gluten-free cookies

Everything You Need to Know About Gluten-Free Cookies and Cookie Clubs

Cookies have been a go-to comfort food for ages! Bite-sized delights that you can snack on at any time of the day, these baked treats are perfect for any sweet tooth. And with the rise of gluten-free food, the options for those avoiding gluten have expanded. Gluten-free cookies fulfill all the requirements for an excellent dessert and can be enjoyed by everyone, including those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. 

This blog post will dive into all the details you need to know about these cookies and cookie clubs.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, barley, and rye. It is responsible for the elastic texture of the dough and gives bread its chewy texture. It’s found in a range of foods, including pasta, baked goods, and soups. However, for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, consuming gluten may lead to serious health problems. 

Gluten-Free Cookie Clubs

Joining a cookie club can be an excellent gift idea for the cookie fanatic in your life, especially those with gluten-free diets. A cookie club is a subscription service that delivers freshly baked cookies to your doorstep regularly. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly, members have the opportunity to enjoy new cookie flavours and indulge in their favourites.

Gluten-Free Cookie Recipes

Another alternative to gluten-free cookies is to bake them yourself! Fortunately, many gluten-free cookie recipes are available online. Some conventional recipes for cookies just need to substitute regular flour for gluten-free flour, while others require a little more tweaking to achieve the desired texture.

Cookie Flavors

Can gluten-free cookies rival traditional cookies in terms of taste? The answer is a resounding YES! Gluten-free cookies come in a wide range of flavours to satisfy any craving. From classic chocolate chips to exotic macadamia nuts and coconut, cookie clubs offer numerous flavours to choose from. 

Finding Gluten-Free Cookies

If you’re not up for baking your gluten-free cookies, there are still many options available in the market. Major supermarkets offer a range of gluten-free products, including cookies. Cookie clubs specializing in gluten-free products also offer an alternative for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. 



Whether you’re gluten intolerant or not, gluten-free cookies are a delectable treat to savour. They offer a healthy alternative to traditional cookies while not forfeiting the desired taste and texture. Cookie clubs are an excellent way to discover new cookie recipes and flavours, and for those who want to get their hands dirty in baking, many gluten-free recipes are available online.