North Shore tree pruning

The Top 5 Benefits Of Tree Pruning

 You may think that your trees do not require any pruning as trees grow in ‘the wild’ with nobody pruning them and they do just fine. This is a fair point, but ‘domestic’ trees require a little more attention than trees in jungles and rainforests where it is every tree for itself.

Pruning and maintaining the trees on your property, whether it be residential or commercial, has a wide range of benefits and it is definitely well worth the cost. Tree pruning services can be built in as part of your regular garden maintenance service.

As North Shore tree pruning experts, we will use this blog to discuss the top five benefits of tree pruning.

Get The Desired Shape

The main aim of tree pruning is to keep your tree and its foliage in its desired shape, which could look different for different people. But ultimately, you are able to get trees on your property to grow in shapes that you like and maintain a uniformed size.

Reduce The Risks Of Accidents Happening

North Shore tree pruning

If a branch falls in a forest it is no big deal, but if a large branch falls on your property it could damage your home, vehicle and even cause injury to you or someone else. Pruning trees ensures that dead branches are pruned before they fall and become a danger. Pruning also stops branches from growing into power lines, etc.

Give Sunlight To Surrounding Plants

If you have a tree that has a sprawling canopy, it may begin to cover other trees and ‘steal’ sunlight from them. By effectively pruning this tree, you ensure that the other trees on your property are happy and healthy.

Tree Health

Removing dead or dying branches stimulates new, healthy growth in your tree, and ensures that it is not wasting resources on dead branches. It is also a good compensation for any root loss. Once pruned, trees will also benefit from increased air circulation.

General Appearance

Pruning your trees ensures that they look neat and tidy and give your property a well-maintained look and feel, which is welcoming to guests.

Are you interested in North Shore tree pruning services? Here at Hort Culture, we have a team of experienced arborists who can handle all of your tree pruning needs for you. Please feel free to get in touch with us today on 0434 863 822.